Fildisi - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Fonts not displayed correctly If you serve fonts files from different domains, fonts might not displayed correctly due to Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). More info about CORS here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing Chrom ...
What we need to understand about the full-screen images This is always a tricky question to answer, because you have to first understand how image resizing works to understand the nature of full-screen images. For this example, we’ll pretend the image below is our computer moni ...
How to use the Child Theme Firstly, if you need small css changes you can use the CSS Options (to place your code) in Theme Options. If you need to change more, then it's better to use the child theme. For example, if you've ever edited PHP files (or J ...
How to add custom fonts via Child Theme? Under Theme Options - Typography you can select a variety of Standard and Google Fonts. In some cases you might need to use a Custom Font, we have implemented a solution to add your Custom Fonts and be able to select them in ...
Recommended Server Settings - Memory issues There are hundreds of thousands of web hosts out there, not all of them are fit for a WordPress installation. There are a few (well-known) low budget host providers that you can experience multiple issues when you use a prem ...
How to translate your logo with WPML You can easily translate your logo via the String translation if you use the following procedure: Go to WPML > String Translations > Translate texts in admin screens. You will find this option in the lower left of your scree ...
How to generate and add your own API key for the Google Maps New rules from Google! From June 22th 2016 Google requires you to use an API KEY to display the maps you need on your website. So please: Generate an API key from https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascrip ...